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Pretrial Probation For Accountant Charged With Domestic Assault and Battery
Our client is an accountant who was charged with domestic assault and battery nearly three years ago. A conviction for these charges, G.L. c. 265 section 13M, would result in his termination of work and likely a suspension of his CPA license. Similarly, a continuance without a finding would be viewed as a conviction in his industry. The incident was witnessed by a stranger who claimed that our client pushed the victim into an alley and choked her on three occasions. The availability of the independent witness contributed to the district attorney’s rejection of our request for pretrial probation on several occasions. At that point we opted to prepare for trial. Today, the day of trial, the district attorney’s office revisited our request and agreed to a term of pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87. All charges will be dismissed shortly and our client will not have any adverse employment issues.
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