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Pretrial Probation for Accountant Charged With Felony Malicious Destruction to a Motor Vehicle
The defendant is a partner in a large accounting firm. He lives in a very exclusive neighborhood in one of Boston’s most lavish suburbs. On September 23, 2018 one of the defendant’s neighbors saw him “keying” his car. The vehicle had been keyed on several other occasions, each time following a dispute between the neighbors. The victim never saw our client actually commit the act until this date. Not only did he personally witness it but he had installed surveillance equipment to identify the person. The police were called. They watched the video and listened to the victim’s recitation of the events. Accordingly, they charged our client with violating G.L. c. 265 Section 28 malicious destruction to a motor vehicle. This is a felony in Massachusetts. A conviction or even a continuance without a finding would cost our client his job. Today, Attorney Neyman was able to get the charges reduced to a misdemeanor and resolved by way of pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 Section 87. Our client will have no record and the case will be dismissed.
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