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Pretrial Probation for Airline Pilot Charged With Open and Gross Lewdness
The defendant is a commercial airline pilot temporarily living in the greater Boston area. Last Fall, in part due to stress from the pandemic he could not sleep. Around 3:00 a.m. he went for a walk and sat down on a bench near a park. To relieve his stress he started masturbating. A truck driver observed this and called the local police. The police arrived and confronted the man about the accusation. He admitted to doing this. He was permitted to leave and received a summons for complaint charging open and gross lewdness, a felony pursuant to G.L. c. 272 section 16. Attorney Neyman was hired to defend him. At our suggestion our client was evaluated by a forensic psychologist who determined that the man presented no risk to the public or of reoffending. We provided a supporting report to the district attorney’s office and they agreed to a resolution of pretrial probation G.L. c. 276 section 87. All charges will be dismissed.
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