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Pretrial Probation for Civil Engineer Charged With Domestic Assault and Battery Intimidation of a Witness and Malicious Destruction of Property
In December of 2020 a woman called 911 about a past domestic assault and battery. A detective went to her house to interview her about the incident. The woman related that nearly eight weeks earlier she and her husband got into a verbal dispute that turned physical. While arguing about the proposal of a divorce our client supposedly struck the woman several times, took her cell phone from her to prevent her from calling the police and smashed it on the ground making it unusable. He was charged with domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M, intimidation of a witness under G.L. c. 268 section 13B and malicious destruction to property under $1,200 in violation of G.L. c. 266 section 127. The victim was adamant about our client having a conviction. Were that to happen he would be subject to deportation as he is not a United States citizen. Our investigator was able to demonstrate that the woman’s claims were grossly exaggerated. As a result the district attorney’s office agreed to pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87 for a six month period. At that time the case will be dismissed.
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