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Pretrial Probation for College Baseball Coach Charged With Annoying and Accosting
Our client is a very successful local college baseball coach. In November last year he went on a date with a woman he met through a dating app. The date went well however our client had no interest in following up with the woman. He politely made that clear to the woman and the two parted ways. For some reason the woman became upset and contacted the police stating that our client had become sexually aggressive with her and that he touched her inappropriately on her buttocks. Rather than being charged with indecent assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13H our client was charged with annoying an accosting under G.L. c. 272 section 53. To its credit, the district attorney’s office obtained security videos. The videos strongly refuted much of what the woman complained about. As such, our client was given pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87. All charges will be dismissed in a few months.
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