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Pretrial Probation for Non-Citizen Livery Owner Charged With Open and Gross Lewdness
Our client is from Asia. He is not a citizen. He owns a very successful livery company in Massachusetts with scores of vehicles and employees. In late June of this year certain citizens reported that they observed the man masturbating and pouring the ejaculate out of an object onto the street adjacent to the witness’s apartment. The witnesses called the police. The man was arrested and charged with open and gross lewdness in violation of G.L. c. 272 section 16. This is a felony in Massachusetts and a predicate to potential sex offender registration consequences. A conviction of this offense would also result in a loss of the man’s ability to successfully apply for citizenship. Attorney Neyman was able to get pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87. All charges will be dismissed in 90 days. There will be no collateral consequences to our client.
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