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Pretrial Probation for Non-Citizen Software Developer Charged With Domestic Assault and Battery
Our client is a software developer from India. He has several doctoral degrees and is one of the most respected players in his industry. In February of this year police in his town responded to a 911 call for a woman barricaded in the family bathroom. The woman claimed that she had been struck by her husband and that he was trying to get into the bathroom to further his attack. When the police got to the house the wife told them that following an argument our client hit her several times in the back of the head and punched her in the chest. Our client was arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M. Attorney Neyman negotiated pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87 for the man. This resolution will result in a dismissal and will have no impact on his employment or citizenship application.
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