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Pretrial Probation for Out of State Engineer Charged With Domestic Assault and Battery and Malicious Destruction to Property Under $1,200
Our client is an engineer who needs top security clearance to work on many government projects. In September of 2023 he was in Massachusetts with his wife and children on vacation. After several hours of drinking, the couple began to argue over certain lifestyle decisions involving one of their children. The couple left the bar and walked back to their hotel room where the argument heightened. Our client went to leave the room threatening to drive six hours home. His wife went to stop him. He pushed her off of him and angrily threw a bottle through a television in the room. One of the children called the police. Our client was apprehended in the parking lot and charged with malicious destruction to property under $1,200 in violation of G.L. c. 266 section 127 and domestic assault and battery G.L. c. 265 section 13M. Attorney Neyman was retained immediately. As a prophylactic measure, our client enrolled in and completed a batter’s program. This prompted the district attorney’s office to agree with our request for pretrial probation G.L. c. 276 section 87. All charges will be dismissed in six months.
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