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Pretrial Probation for Restaurant Manager Charged With Larceny Over $1,200 and Conspiracy
Our client is a single mother who has worked hard to support herself and her child. Recently she was promoted to manage a restaurant that is part of a large chain. In May of this year she was caught stealing from several stores as part of an elaborate theft ring involving several other people. Security videos and still photos from store security cameras revealed the woman working in conjunction with others, stealing clothing and other merchandise on multiple occasions. The minimum theft exceeded $4,000. Our client was charged with larceny over $1,200 under G.L. c. 266 section 30 and conspiracy under G.L. c. 274 section 7. Attorney Neyman was able to convince the prosecutor that our client’s involvement was minimal in comparison to the other conspirators. Moreover, our client’s employment history and lack of criminal record prompted the prosecution to agree with our request for pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87. In six months all charges will be dismissed.
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