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Pretrial Probation For Woman Charged With Keeping a House of Prostitution
Nearly one year ago police detectives in a Bristol County town were investigating complaints of suspected prostitution. The investigation focused on a massage parlor that had been listing concerning advertisements on backpage.com. Officers had the establishment under surveillance. They watched as men entered the premises and left within one half hour. The police monitored the traffic into the business. They decided to follow the patrons after leaving the building. When the customers were a sufficient distance away the police stopped them and learned that they had in fact been getting sexual favors in exchange for money. The “johns” provided significant detail into the workings of the operation and were able to identify one woman in particular as the person running the business. The police followed up with a search warrant. During the execution of the search warrant officers observed men, naked and in positions suggesting recent sexual conduct. The search further revealed a significant amount of prostitution paraphernalia, client lists and a menu of prostitutes and the sexual acts each would be willing to perform for money. The target of the investigation was arrested during the search and charged with G.L. c. 272 Section 24. Attorney Neyman was hired. Today, he was able to negotiate pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 Section 87. This is significant in that the defendant is a non-citizen and a continuance without a finding (CWOF) or any admission would likely result in deportation. The woman will have no criminal record.
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