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Pretrial Probation Under G.L. c. 276 Section 87 For Man Charged With Resisting Arrest and Assault and Battery on a Police Officer
On June 2, 2019 members of a Massachusetts police department were monitoring a rally involving hundreds of people. Various factions of people at the rally became aggressive towards one another and violence erupted. The police attempted to keep the situation peaceful without success. Several fights broke out and the police intervened. During the course of this incident officers alleged that our client struck police officers and resisted their efforts to arrest him. Our client was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, G.L. c. 265 Section 13D, disturbing a public assembly, G.L. c. 272 Section 40 and resisting arrest G.L. c. 268 Section 32B. Attorney Neyman was retained and was able to get the accused pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 Section 87. He will have no record.
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