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Security Analyst Found Not Guilty of Domestic Assault and Intimidation of a Witness Charges After Jury Trial
The defendant is a security analyst working at an engineering company that is involved with extensive military contracts. He and the victim had been in an on again off again dating relationship for four years. On February 25, 2018 the defendant told the victim that he intended to move out of the home and terminate the relationship. He asked her to return a ring that he gave her and for possession of their dog. The woman became enraged. She started packing his clothes. She claimed that in the process he shoved her against a wall and smashed her head off the wall. He punched her in the head. He threw her in a bedroom. He then threw her down on the ground and slammed her head off of the floor. She grabbed her cell phone to call 911. He grabbed the phone from her and continued to beat her. She fled the home and made a harrowing 911 call from a neighbor’s home. The defendant was arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery G.L. c. 265 Section 13M and intimidation of a witness G.L. c. 268 Section 13B. Attorney Neyman was hired to represent the man. After a year of discovery the case went to trial. Through medical records and prior inconsistent statements we were able to convince the jury that the woman had fabricated the charges. We were able to reveal her motive for lying. In less than two hours the jury came back with a not guilty verdict.
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