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Criminal charges of Failure to Stop for a Police Officer against local law school employee dismissed after Clerk Magistrate Hearing.
On December 13, 2013 a Somerville, Massachusetts police officer was attempting to exit a local convenience store parking lot when he was cut off by a women driving at unsafe speeds and beeping her horn. The officer positioned his car in front of the woman’s vehicle in an attempt to get her to slow down. She proceeded to been and operate in an aggressive manner. The woman passed the officer illegally and came to a stop several traffic lights ahead. The officer followed her, got out of her car and identified himself by displaying his badge. He asked the woman for identification and to stop her vehicle. She refused, instead continuing off and leaving the officer behind her on the street. By running her plates the officer was able to identify the woman, a local law school employee. She was summonsed for a clerk magistrate hearing for a charge of Failing to Stop for a Police Officer. Today, at the clerk’s hearing Attorney Neyman got all charges dismissed. No complaint will issue.