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Strangulation Charge Dismissed and Pretrial Probation for Firefighter Charged With Domestic Assault and Battery
The defendant is a firefighter in an Eastern Massachusetts city. In March of 2020 a woman entered the police department in that city to report an assault allegedly committed by our client. She claimed that after a night out with friends she returned home to find her live-in boyfriend, our client, packing and indicating his intentions to move out and to terminate the relationship. When she confronted him he became enraged and began to strangle her. He then punched her and left the home. The man was apprehended a few hours later and charged with strangulation in violation of G.L. c. 265 section 15D and domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M. Attorney Neyman was retained. We were able to get the strangulation charged dismissed through a motion to dismiss and pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87 on the domestic assault and battery allegation. The defendant will have no criminal record.
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