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Truck Driver Found Not Guilty After Trial on Charges of Aggravated Rape of a Child, Rape of a Child by Force and Indecent Assault and Battery
The defendant is a truck driver nearing forty years of age. He lived in a small apartment with his wife, biological son and step daughter. In the summer of 2020 his world was turned upside down when he was accused of raping his step daughter by digitally penetrating her and orally penetrating. She also alleged that he took her hand and made her play with his penis. The charges alleged a violation of G.L. c. 265 section 23A, aggravated rape of a child, G.L. c. 265 section 22A, forcible rape of a child G.L. c. 265 section 13B, indecent assault and battery. The case took over two years to investigate and prepare for trial. Our investigation revealed that the complainant’s story became more exaggerated over time. Each time she told someone what happened new details were added. She told an ex-boyfriend that our client penetrated her with his penis. She testified at trial that a few weeks after the alleged incident she told her closest friend. We called the friend to testify. She said that the complainant made some vague accusation six months prior to the alleged incident having occurred. We established that her motive in fabricating these charges was to enable her to move out of her mother’s home and into her father’s home where discipline was much more relaxed and where she would no longer have to share a bedroom with her brother. The jury deliberated and found our client NOT GUILTY of all charges.
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