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Criminal Counterfeit and Trademark Distribution Case Against Local Business Owner Dismissed Prior to Arraignment
The defendant owns and operates a large successful Boston centric sports gear, apparel and paraphernalia store. In late 2016 an investigation firm contracted by the National Football League attended local fairs and mall kiosks looking for counterfeit apparel. The investigation led the investigators to the defendant’s facility. In February of 2017 the investigation company enlisted the services of the Woburn Police and other police departments as well as Homeland Security agents. A search warrant was obtained and the defendant’s facility was raided. The search resulted in the seizure of several thousand items that authorities claimed to be the product of criminal counterfeiting in violation of G.L. c. 266 Section 147. Attorney Neyman was immediately retained. He successfully continued the arraignment on two occasions and filed a motion to dismiss the case prior to arraignment. The motion was successful and today the prosecutor filed a nolle prosse officially dismissing the case.
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