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Sex For Fee and Indecent Assault and Battery Charges Against Non-Citizen Dismissed at Arraignment
The defendant is a non-citizen with several graduate degrees in engineering. On July 27, 2017 he responded to a backpage.com advertisement soliciting sex for a fee. The person making the solicitation was an undercover police officer. Sexual services were negotiated over the phone and the defendant went to a hotel designated by the undercover officer. There, he entered the room and started groping the undercover officer. He was immediately arrested and charged with indecent assault and battery, G.L. c. 265 Section 13H and sex for a fee, G.L. c. 272 Section 53A. Our office continued the arraignment several times in an effort to secure a dismissal. Today. The third scheduled arraignment date, we were able to get all charges dismissed.
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