All Criminal Matters
Saugus Sex Crimes
Saugus is a town of about 26,000 people within easy driving distance of Boston. In fact, the entire area was once named Saugus, a name borrowed from local American Indians. Saugus is locally known for having a large Italian American population; the 2000 Census showed that nearly 40 percent of residents were of Italian descent, followed closely by Irish Americans at 24 percent. It benefits from Route 1, which brings customers to businesses and makes an easy commute into Boston for residents. Saugus residents accused of less serious crimes like prostitution and soliciting use the Lynn District court in neighboring Lynn, which it shares with four other towns. Those facing serious felony charges such as indecent assault and battery of a child use the Salem Superior Court to the north in Salem.
Strong Defense to Serious Sex Charges
If you’re facing sex-related criminal charges, you could face life-changing penalties. Even more than other crimes, sex crimes carry long prison sentences and other steep penalties because there’s a lot of shame and prurient interest in sexual matters. Sex crimes also make an easy target for political figures who want to look tough on crime. As a result, sentences for crimes like child pornography possession can be extremely long, even when the defendant is not accused of directly harming anyone. Even after defendants are released from prison, they may face onerous sex offender registration requirements and restrictions on where they may live and other freedoms we take for granted.
A Lawyer Who Fights for all of His Clients Every Step of the Way
At the Law Offices of Stephen Neyman, we believe everyone is entitled to a strong defense in sex cases — no matter what they are accused of. Our lead attorney, Stephen Neyman, has practiced law in Massachusetts for nearly thirty years, and has extensive experience defending people accused of very serious sex crimes. We have won favorable outcomes for many clients, including acquittals, fair plea agreements and reduced or dismissed charges. Sometimes, clients are reluctant to come to us because they believe there’s no defense to the charges against them — but that’s often not true. There are many, many ways to defend sex crimes, depending on the circumstances and the crime. You should never, ever plead guilty to charges this serious without at least speaking to an experienced defense attorney. There is a defense to every case and we will work with you to explore all options.
Saugus Rape Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you’re charged with a sex crime in Massachusetts, you’re facing long prison sentences, not to mention potential public embarrassment, sex offender registration and trouble at work and at home. These serious penalties should never be taken on alone. The Law Offices of Stephen Neyman is proud of our strong record of success defending sex charges in Massachusetts. Based in downtown Boston, we represent people and appear in district and superior courts throughout eastern Massachusetts. And we offer free initial consultations, because we know being charged with a crime is upsetting and stressful. For your free consultation or to learn more about us, you can send us an email anytime or call us today at 617-263-6800.