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Woburn Rape Criminal Defense
Named for an English city, Woburn is a middle-class city of 38,000 in the northwestern suburbs of Boston. From its position between Interstates 93 and 95, it’s within easy driving distance of Boston and Boston-area employment centers. Woburn has been settled by Europeans since 1640 and has a variety of roles in early history. However, it became famous more recently as the setting for the book and movie A Civil Action, which told the true story of a “cancer cluster” whose likely cause was contamination of some of the city’s wells by illegal dumping. Woburn has its own District Court, which serves the city and six other municipalities by hearing cases of misdemeanor and minor felony crimes, such as child pornography possession. More serious cases like rape and child sexual assault are heard at the Woburn Superior Court, moved from Cambridge in 2008.
Defend Yourself Against Serious Sex Charges
If you’re charged with a sex crime in Massachusetts, you’re facing a slew of life-changing penalties. People accused of sex crimes are frequently not popular in their communities, and the penalties for a sex-related conviction reflect that. Many felony sex crimes in Massachusetts carry the possibility of a life sentence and include at least some time in prison, as well as high fines and financial restitution in some cases. A surprising number of these crimes also call for the defendant to register as a sex offender after leaving office. And even when defendants have not been convicted — and may never be — an accusation alone is enough to cause them problems at work at in their personal lives. Workplaces are free to fire or discipline people accused of embarrassing crimes, and personal relationships can be ended or strained.
At the Law Offices of Stephen Neyman, we vigorously defend all sex crimes, including the ones that other attorneys may prefer to avoid. We believe everyone, no matter what the accusation, is entitled to a fair trial and a vigorous defense to the charges against them. Whenever possible, we like to take these cases early in the process, because an early start has numerous advantages. Waiting to contact an attorney can allow important evidence and witnesses to disappear, taking away chances to defend yourself. By contrast, an early start helps us not only save this evidence, but present it to prosecutors in order to get your charges reduced or dismissed. It also helps us build a strong case for trial, if we cannot end the case earlier. And if we can be by your side at the beginning, we can help you through police and media interrogations with minimal violation of your privacy and your rights.
Woburn Sex Crimes Criminal Defense Law Firm
Sex crimes carry life-changing penalties that can hurt not only your freedom, but your family, your finances and your reputation. If you’re facing these kinds of penalties in Massachusetts, you should contact an experienced attorney right away about your legal options. The Law Offices of Stephen Neyman has helped Massachusetts residents defend themselves from serious sex charges since 1990. We’re proud of the results we’ve achieved in that time, which include acquittals or other positive outcomes for many people accused of sex crimes. And we offer free initial telephone consultations, so you can talk to us at no risk or obligation. Contact us today by calling 617-263-6800 or send us a message online.