All Criminal Matters
Located 5 miles from downtown Boston, Revere is a town of 47,283 located in Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Revere is a city of young residents, with more than 60 percent of residents under the age of 44 and one-third of residents 18 to 24 years of age. The median household income was $37,067 and, at the time of the last census, 12 percent of families were living below the poverty line.
Revere Beach is the oldest public beach in the United States. A working class beach that includes a number of amusement rides, Revere Beach gained a reputation as a rough area of bars and abandoned buildings before the Blizzard of ’78 destroyed the seawall and many of the remaining beachfront businesses. Revitalized in the 1980s, the renovated beach now includes high rise housing units and a new boulevard. In the summertime the number of crimes increases substantially in the beach area. We defend a number of people who were in fights at local bars, got arrested and were found to be in possession of illegal drugs. Several years ago one of these fights ended up in a fatality. One of the patrons was charged with murder. Attorney Neyman and another lawyer successfully defended this man and secured an acquittal on murder charges before the jury. Prostitution arrests and charges seem to increase in the warmer months in the section of Revere as well.
You Need Experience on Your Side if You are Fighting a Criminal Case in Massachusetts
Crime in Revere, Massachusetts is anything but predictable. In a crime log listing arrests for crimes allegedly committed the second week of 2014 eight different people were arrested in a five day period. Three people had outstanding warrants for criminal cases, one of whom would not have been caught that day were it not for him shoplifting. Two people were charged with disorderly conduct. Two of the arrestees had an assault and battery charge. A woman was arrested for resisting arrest. Shoplifting and related theft crimes are prosecuted frequently in the Revere District Court.
Hire a Massachusetts Criminal Defense Lawyer with Proven Success
Boston Criminal Defense Attorney Stephen Neyman has been representing clients in the Revere area for more than 20 years involving a wide variety of criminal offense, from violent crimes like murder and rape to property crimes, theft, burglary, robbery, drug crimes, weapons charges, sex crimes, domestic violence complaints and serious traffic offenses, including drunk driving (DUI, OUI) charges.
Criminal cases in Revere are typically handled by two judges hearing cases in Chelsea District Court, located at 120 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150. Attorney Neyman also handled probation violations for clients accused of violating the terms of a previous conviction and facing jail time for cases in Revere, Chelsea and the surrounding area.
Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Stephen Neyman and his staff believe defendants have a right to experienced and aggressive representation when charged with a crime. Attorney Neyman’s goal is to fight for your rights and to win the best outcome for your case through every means at his disposal, including motions to dismiss, motions to suppress, plea negations and trial.
If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Chelsea, Revere or the surrounding area, contact the Law Offices of Stephen Neyman at 617-263-6800 or visit us online.
City of Revere
Chelsea District Court