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Pre-Trial Probation

Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 276 Section 87, the trial court may place a person on pre-trial probation. Pre-trial probation is a court-approved agreement or contract between the prosecutor and defendant before a trial or a plea of guilty. Under such an agreement, a defendant is placed on probation, in the care of a probation officer, for a certain period of time and under certain conditions before he is convicted of any crime. Probation may be supervised or unsupervised. In return, the charges will be dismissed upon the defendant’s successful completion of his probation. If, on the other hand, the defendant violates any condition of his probation, then the charges will not be dismissed and the case will proceed normally.

I Violated My Pretrial Probation in Massachusetts. Can the Judge Send Me to Jail?

Absolutely not. A defendant cannot be imprisoned for violating his pre-trial probation because he has neither been convicted nor pled guilty to any crime. However, a defendant who violates pre-trial probation can be held with or without bail if the court so decides at a bail hearing.

Can the Conditions of My Pretrial Probation be Modified?

Although a pre-trial probation agreement is entered with the defendant’s consent, the court retains the authority to modify the conditions of probation as long as the change is not the equivalent of a new punishment. Probationary conditions signed by the defendant have no force without the court order, and probation derives enforceability from a court order, not from the defendant’s agreement. Common probationary conditions include participation in rehabilitative programs, performance of community service, periodic reporting to probation and seeking and retaining employment. The court may also modify the time period of probation, provided that it does so within the original probationary period or within a reasonable time after that period has ended.

All conditions of probation must be reasonably related to probationary goals in order to survive constitutional scrutiny. Probationary goals are typically rehabilitative, but they may be punitive, retributive or deterrent.

Pretrial Probation may be the Only Way to Avoid Deportation

Sometimes district attorneys offer a continuance without a finding thinking they are being generous to a defendant. Regardless of their intentions a continuance without a finding (CWOF) might result in deportation. CWOFs are considered convictions for immigration purposes. If you are not an American citizen you should ask your lawyer about this. We have been successful getting prosecutors to agree to pretrial probation in cases where our clients face deportation. Non-citizens charged with minor drug offenses represent a large contingent of people we represent with this problem. We get our clients pretrial probation when necessary.

Pre-trial probation is not widely available, and usually less serious offenses are involved when it is available. It is not an option after a plea or admission. The current economic slump will continue to exacerbate the overcrowded conditions in Massachusetts prisons, and that will doubtlessly result in institutional pressure on practitioners to know the probation system inside and out. In his twenty-years of experience defending criminal charges, Stephen Neyman has gained unparalleled knowledge of probation procedures. If you have any questions regarding pre-trial probation or other criminal matters, call the Law Offices of Stephen Neyman, P.C. at 617-263-6800 or contact us online today. Si usted habla español contacte a nuestro asistente legal Maria Rivera en 617-877-6270.

Case Results >> Pre-Trial Probation

Pretrial Probation for College Professor Charged With Domestic Assault and Battery October 4, 2024 Our client is a tenured college professor known nationally for engineering innovations. In April of this year police were called to his home for a report of a domestic assault involving the defendant and his wife. Notwithstanding conflicting versions of the event, our client was arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery under G.L. c. 265 section 13M. Our office was hired. Attorney Neyman was able to get the district attorney’s office to agree to a short period of pretrial probation under G.L. c. 276 section 87. All charges will be dismissed in 3 months. Our client’s employment will not be jeopardized by this disposition. Read More in Domestic Assault and Battery

General Continuance Advanced and Terminated Early and All Charges Dismissed on Motor Vehicle Crime Case August 7, 2023 A few months ago this client resolved her case with a general continuance. She had been charged with negligent operation of a motor vehicle, G.L. c. 90 section 24(2)(a), failure to stop for a police officer, G.L. c. 90 section 25 and failure to provide identification under G.L. c. 90 section 25. Our office was able to get a 6 month general continuance. Our client recently received a job offer that necessitated getting this dismissed early. We brought case forward and convinced the district attorney’s office and the judge that the interests of justice warranted this early dismissal. Our motion was allowed. Read More in Probation Matters

Pretrial Probation for Non-Citizen Charged With Assault and Battery by Means of a Dangerous Weapon March 22, 2023 On August 30, 2022 police in a Boston suburb received a call for a disturbance in a parking lot. When they arrived they learned that the defendant, a non-citizen, was acting irrationally, challenging everyone in the parking lot to a fight. She was chasing patrons, throwing objects at their cars and threatening everybody in the vicinity. When the police tried to calm her down she kicked an innocent bystander with her shoes. She was arrested and charged with assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon, to wit a shod foot in violation of G.L. c. 265 section 15A. Today our office was able to get her pretrial probation pursuant to G.L. c. 276 section 87. This will have no impact on her status whereas a felony conviction or even a continuance without a finding might have resulted in her deportation. Read More in Pretrial Probation


Boston Office
10 Tremont St #602

Boston, MA 02108

Phone: 617-263-6800 Fax: 888-266-1781

Client Reviews

We went to trial and won. He saved me fifteen years mandatory in state prison for this case.


I hired him and he got the case dismissed before I had to go into a courtroom. My school never found out and if they had I would have lost my academic scholarships. He really saved my college career.

Melissa C. Cold

My union rep told me to call Steve Neyman. From the get go I felt comfortable with him. He took the time to talk to me about my case whenever I needed .... He even gave me his personal cell number and took all my calls. We won the case and I kept my job.

Bart L. S.

The best criminal defense lawyer in Massachusetts. Takes all of his client's calls at any time of the day or night. He was always there for me and my family. Steve saved my life.

Jacquille D. Brockton

In less than two months Stephen Neyman got my old conviction vacated. I now have no criminal record.

Paul W. Boston

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